Stain for amyloid deposits in tissues. Appropriate for tissue sections from 5-12μm. Amyloid deposits are formed in tissues spontaneously or in association with a wide range of diseases. In cases of suspected amyloidosis, thick sections at 12 μm may be beneficial in demonstrating minute deposits of amyloid.

Avaible UnitsNameCode
100 testsBENNHOLD’S CONGO RED 131003050
100 mlBENNHOLD’S CONGO RED 131003050-100
150 mlBENNHOLD’S CONGO RED 131003050-150
200 mlBENNHOLD’S CONGO RED 131003050-200
250 mlBENNHOLD’S CONGO RED 131003250
500 mlBENNHOLD’S CONGO RED 131003500
1000 mlBENNHOLD’S CONGO RED 131003100
Emmonya biotech catalog
Material Safety Data Sheet CONGO RED BENNHOLDS